About Centre for MicroFinance
Centre for MicroFinance (CmF) was set up in Rajasthan in 2007
jointly by Tata Trusts, state-government departments, NABARD, eminent academicians, and development sector practitioners with the objective of catalyzing the growth of community-led
microfinance movement (SHG model) and rural livelihoods.
CmF is currently working with Dept. of Rural Development and Dept. of Education to improve the quality of government
programs benefitting 1.2 lakh women and 3 lakh children respectively.
To catalyze the growth of community-level institutions, aligning with the evolving needs and aspirations of the communities we serve, while also responding to changes in government policies and broader macro-environmental factors.
Areas of Partnership
The partnership between with CmF and H T Parekh Foundation and aims to enhance school libraries in two districts, Kota (urban) and Sawai Madhopur (rural), and involves:
1. Strengthening 20 model libraries: 10 model libraries in each district (Kota and Sawai Madhopur), which serve as examples for other schools.
2. Activating and enhancing 200 school libraries: The goal is to improve 100 school libraries in each district, comprising 10 model libraries and 90 extension libraries per district.
3. Capacity-building for 400 teachers: Two teachers from each of the 200 schools will receive specialized training in library management and usage, ensuring they can effectively manage and run the school libraries.
4. Training of 200 education officers and head teachers: Panchayat Elementary Education Officers (PEEOs) and head teachers will undergo training to support the library systems and integrate them into the schools’ educational framework.
5. Technical support for DIET (District Institute of Education and Training): The partnership provides technical support to DIET through workshops on libraries and foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN).
Through these initiatives, the partnership strives to create a sustainable and replicable model for school libraries that can benefit thousands of elementary students in the two districts.
Project Glimpses
